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新墨西哥亞裔家庭中心 (NMAFC) 由一群亞洲女性於2006年創立,她們在一起解為該州汎亞 社區提供定制服務來解決文化和語言缺乏的情況。 NMAFC 從在一座房子中提供諮詢和案件管理服務開始, 現已發展到包括以受益人為主導和集中服務,以傳統治愈方法為中心的項目,青年和社區領導力項目,金融教育講習班,跨種族運動建設和全民參與工作。



Adelamar Alcantara


NMAFC 的創始人Dely博士在 NMAFC 的早期自願擔任執行董事和贈款作家。 Dely博士一直致力於 社會正義,退伍軍人和兒童問題。她創立了菲律賓美國國家歷史學會 (FANHS) Rio Grande 分部, 並擔任FANHS National的受託人。 Dely博士和她的丈夫Ted Jojola與TRICKLOCK劇院公司合作,建立了Manoa Project,一個一年一度的青少年劇本創作比賽與學生合奏。 Ted和Dely還在阿爾伯克基學院 (Albuquerque Academy)建立了文化多樣性基金會,以紀念他們的兒子Manoa。作為Bataan-Corregidor 紀念基金會的前任主席,她為紀念200和515海岸砲兵在Bataan-Corregidor紀念館的建設中發揮了作用。 她促進了參議院聯合紀念館的通過,該紀念館在州議會設立了亞裔美籍日和退伍軍人節。 Dely博士還是 新墨西哥大學地理空間與人口研究主任。她擁有夏威夷大學和東西方中心(East-West Center)的社會學專業的人口統計學和性別研究專業博士學位以及菲律賓大學帝力曼分校哲學專業及輔修心理學學士學位。 Dely博士因心髒病搶救無效,於2019年11月3日自菲律賓返回新墨西哥的途中不幸去世。

Sachi Watase


渡瀨幸(Sachi Watase)來自新墨西哥州阿爾伯克基市。在加州,她獲得了克萊蒙特皮澤文理學院的文學士學位,並與其他人一同創建了一所公益機構。該機構為混合族裔背景、有著不同文化淵源的性犯罪受害者提供各項活動及服務。在越南茶榮大學擔任英語教師之後,渡瀨獲得了福布萊特獎學金,並在尼泊爾的辛杜帕爾喬克縣擔任英語教師。渡瀨是日本移民的女兒,這也是她能夠理解為新墨西哥的移民群體提供必要資源的動力之一。在職業身份之外,她喜歡烤蛋糕,烹飪日式料理,桌遊,並繼續她的日語、越南語和尼泊爾語的學習之旅。

Carol Suzuki


Carol M. Suzuki是新墨西哥大學法學院的法學教授。她指導著社區律師培訓班的法學院學生, 他們主要代表涉及家庭法,移民和青少年犯罪方面的客戶。她還擔任《新墨西哥州法律評論》的教職顧問, 並教授一年級的侵權法課程。 Suzuki教授在哥倫比亞大學法學院獲得法學博士學位,並獲得了斯坦福大學心理學學士學位。

Kiran Katira


Kiran是一名有著東非血統的印度女性,出生於肯尼亞,在英格蘭長大。她獲得了新墨西哥大學的教育思想和社會文化研究專業博士學位。 20年來,她通過新墨西哥大學的社區參與中心與當地社區組織者和領導人一起工作,在這裡促進了與作為社區領導人學徒的學生的成長和發展。她還教授大學課程, 重點是反種族主義教育,和平與正義以及批判性多元文化教育。

Jaime Rumbaoa


Jaime在各種行業擁有超過18年的會計師從業經驗。在加入Axiom CPA之前,Jaime在四大事務所, 國家和地區性公司工作了15年以上。 Jaime擁有菲律賓工商管理學院的會計學學士學位,並且是新墨西哥州,科羅拉多州和弗吉尼亞州的註冊會計師 (CPA)。他還是註冊欺詐審查員 (CFE),註冊信息系統審計師 (CISA) 和註冊信息技術專業人員 (CITP)。

Myra Washington


Myra是新墨西哥大學傳媒與新聞學系的副教授。她的研究著重於種族,身份與文化之間的交集。 她致力於社區的建設,尤其是有色人種社區間如何相互協作。作為亞洲移民的女兒,Myra直接了解NMAFC等組織的重要性和意義,並致力於支持NMAFC的汎亞包容性願景和使命。


Adelamar Alcantara


Founder of NMAFC, Dely (Ph.D) served as the volunteer Executive Director and grant writer in the early years of NMAFC. Dely was a lifelong advocate for social justice, verans, and children’s issues. She founded the Filipino American National Historical Society FANHS) Rio Grande Chapter and served as a trustee of FANHS National. In collaboration with TRICKLOCK Theater Company, Dely and her husband, Ted Jojola, established the Manoa Project, an annual teen playwriting competition and ensemble apprenticeship. Ted and Dely also established an endowment for Cultural Diversity at the Albuquerque Academy in honor of their son, Manoa. As a past president of Bataan-Corregidor Memorial Foundation, she was instrumental in the construction of the Bataan-Corregidor Memorial in honor of the 200th and 515thCoast Artillery. She facilitated the passage of the Senate Joint Memorials that created the Asian American Day and the Veterans Day at the State Legislature. Dely was also the director of the University of New Mexico Geospatial and Population Studies. She has a Ph.D. in Sociology with specialization in Demography and Gender Studies from the University of Hawaii and the East-West Center. She has a B.A. in Philosophy, minor in Psychology from the University of the Philippines at Diliman.

Sachi Watase

Executive Director

Sachi Watase is from Albuquerque, New Mexico. She received her Bachelor of Arts from Pitzer College in Claremont, California where she also co-founded organizations that coordinated services and programming for survivors of sexual assault and that worked with people of mixed racial, ethnic, and cultural heritage. Additionally, after serving as an English teacher at Trà Vinh University in Vietnam, Sachi was awarded a Fulbright Scholarship and served as an English teacher in Sindhupalchok, Nepal. Sachi is the daughter of a Japanese immigrant, so she understands on a personal level the importance of providing resources for this community in New Mexico. Outside of a professional setting, she likes to bake cakes, cook Japanese food, play board games, and continue her language studies in Vietnamese, Japanese, and Nepali!

Carol Suzuki


Carol M. Suzuki is a Professor of Law at the University of New Mexico School of Law. She supervises law students in the Community Lawyering Clinic, where they represent clients mainly in the areas of family law, immigration, and juvenile delinquency. She also serves as the Faculty Advisor for the NEW MEXICO LAW REVIEW and teaches first-year Torts. Professor Suzuki received her J.D. from Columbia University School of Law and her A.B. from Stanford University in Psychology.

Carol Suzuki


Carol M. Suzuki is a Professor of Law at the University of New Mexico School of Law. She supervises law students in the Community Lawyering Clinic, where they represent clients mainly in the areas of family law, immigration, and juvenile delinquency. She also serves as the Faculty Advisor for the NEW MEXICO LAW REVIEW and teaches first-year Torts. Professor Suzuki received her J.D. from Columbia University School of Law and her A.B. from Stanford University in Psychology.

Carol Suzuki


Carol M. Suzuki is a Professor of Law at the University of New Mexico School of Law. She supervises law students in the Community Lawyering Clinic, where they represent clients mainly in the areas of family law, immigration, and juvenile delinquency. She also serves as the Faculty Advisor for the NEW MEXICO LAW REVIEW and teaches first-year Torts. Professor Suzuki received her J.D. from Columbia University School of Law and her A.B. from Stanford University in Psychology.

Carol Suzuki


Carol M. Suzuki is a Professor of Law at the University of New Mexico School of Law. She supervises law students in the Community Lawyering Clinic, where they represent clients mainly in the areas of family law, immigration, and juvenile delinquency. She also serves as the Faculty Advisor for the NEW MEXICO LAW REVIEW and teaches first-year Torts. Professor Suzuki received her J.D. from Columbia University School of Law and her A.B. from Stanford University in Psychology.

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